Sunline ARC lever, ODI Grips.

I have had a lot of experience with broken levers and grips that don't hold up and slide around on the bar. This time I decided to try clamp-on grips by ODI and Sunline ARC break-away levers. The grips are actually molded to aluminum clamps on the clutch side that can be tightened with an allen wrench and on the throttle side the grip and the throttle tube are molded as one piece instead of two separate pieces so it will never slide around on the throttle tube or come off the bar. The ends of the grips mount to the end of the bar and are hard plastic so the bar doesn't simply poke through the grip on impact. I have not had a chance to really try them out yet, but if I was to design a grip, this is exactly how I would do it. The levers are spring loaded to break-away without breaking. The brake lever pictured breaks away in only a single direction then, but the whole assembly will spin on the bar if needed. The clutch lever, still to come, will break away in three directions. The grips were around $20 and the levers around $50 each, but if they last like they claim, it should be a bargain for me.