Don't do what I did! The last time I replaced my wheel bearings I overlooked the importance of the condition of the wheel spacers. I also did not realize how inexpensive and easy to get these are. As can be seen by the picture on the left, my old wheel spacers were grooved from so many years of spinning inside of the seal. Since this was so grooved, it no longer gave a place for the seal to make a good seal, and therefore water and grit entered in very easily. The wheel bearings are factory sealed, and 2 of the 3 were still in decent shape, but for $20 I just couldn't see not replacing all three bearings and seals while installing the new $25 wheel spacers. These new spacers made by "All Balls" are aluminum with a steel cap where they mate to the seal. They are still nearly as light as the old ones, but will not wear out as fast. I have also seen machined steel spacers that cost a bit more and to be honest, I was on the fence as to which kind to get. I could not find the steel ones when I was placing the order, so... aluminum it is! The machined steel units would probably last forever and would not add much weight, so we'll just see how these do I guess.

Here are the new bearings and seals. Two go on the drive side and one on the other. To see a detail descritption of changing the wheel bearings in a dirt bike click

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