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    Skyline Drive, Sanpete

    Skyline Drive winds for over 100 miles along the very top of the Wasatch Plateau, providing access to forested mountains, alpine meadows and numerous lakes, streams and camping areas. At elevations ranging from about 9,000 to 11,000 feet above sea level, it is one of the highest roads in America. Several roads ascend canyons and provide access to the Skyline Drive. Hwy 31 through Fairview and Huntington Canyons is paved and provides year-round access to the central portion of the Skyline. Hwy 96 is also paved and connects to Hwy 31 on the Skyline after passing Scofield Reservoir and Electric Lake.
    From the north, the road begins at Tucker, on U.S. 6, and extends down to I-70. The first 27 miles (Tucker to the junction of Hwy 31) are graded and suitable for travel in any kind of vehicle. The southern portion is rough and suitable for high clearance four-wheel drive vehicles. The road is impassable except by snowmobile during winter, and can become impassable during summer storms. Some portions are popular snowmobile and mountain bike routes.

    Ephraim canyon has recently been improved and although not paved, allows easy access for large trailers and/or passenger cars. Click this link for an Area Map. A popular trail in this area is the Arapeen ATV trail, although there are many trails in addition to this including jeep routes etc. I have been to this area many times and still find new trails and routes regularly so be prepared to explore a little! Blue Lake, also called cove lake, is a fun place to visit along the arapeen trail, as well as the many other lakes in the area including snow lake, duck fork, loggers etc. If you like to fish you should be able to find a suitable place somewhere along skyline! Check out our trip reports below for more pictures and information.

    > Skyline Drive, July 2008 Trip Report

    Blue Lake Main Page

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